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Title: تأثير وسائل الدفع اإللكتروني على رضا الزبائن
Other Titles: دراسة حالة : بريد الجزائر - أول نوفمبر ساحة الشهداء -
Authors: قاعد, وسام
تحت إشراف : زياني, هبة إيمان
Keywords: رضا الزبون
وسائل الدفع االلكتروني
بريد الجزائر
Issue Date: 21-Jul-2024
Publisher: المدرسة العليا للتسيير والاقتصاد الرقمي
Abstract: The impact of electronic payment methods on the satisfaction of Algérie Poste customers is the subject of this study, as the postal sector plays an important role in the global economy and the daily lives of individuals. The main objective of the study is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the electronic payment technology adopted by Algeria Poste and its impact on customer satisfaction in terms of the factors that affect it. The spread of technology and the Internet has made payment methods more sophisticated, more numerous and more diversified than ever before, making them an indispensable means for business and financial transfers .
Description: 90 P
Appears in Collections:Audit et contrôle de gestion

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